Movie Title : About time
== Conversation ==
I always knew we were a fairly odd family.
First there was me.
Too tall. Too skinny. Too orange.
My mum was lovely, but not like other mums.
There was something solid about her. (아주 독립적인 분이셨다)
Something rectangular, busy and unsentimental.(독특하면서, 바쁘고, 냉철하셨다)
Her fashion icon was the Queen.
Dad, well, he was more normal. He always seened to have time on his hands.
(아빠는 좀 더 평범해ㅔㅆ다. 항상 시간이 남아도는 분이셨다.)
After giving up teaching university students on his 50th birthday.
he was eternally available for a leisurely char or to let me win at table tennis.
And then there was Mum's brother, Uncle Desmond.
Always impeccably dressed,. He spent the days just, well, being Uncle Desmond.
(삼촌은 늘 흠잡을 데 없이 옷을 입는다. 그렇게 차려입고 아무것도 안하신다)
He was the most charming and least clever man you could ever meet.
His mind was on other things, thought we never found out what.
(항상 다른 생각을 하고 사는 분이셨지만, 우리는 그게 뭔지 알아내지 못했다)
And then, finally there was Catherine.
In a household of sensible jackets and haircuts there was this,
well, what can i call her, nature thing.
with her elfin eyes, her purple T-shirts and her eternally bare feet.
She was then, and still is to me about the most wonderful thing in the world.
All in all, it was a pretty good childhood. Full of repeated rhythms and patterns.
(특별히 유별난 것 없이 전반적으로 행복한 어린 시절이었다.)
By the time i was 21, we were still having tea on the beach every single day.
Skimming stones and eating sandwiches, summer and winter,
no matther what the weather.
And every Friday evening, a film, no matther wat the weather.
And then once a year, the dreaded New year's Eve party.
(일년에 한번 끔찍한 새해 전야제 파티가 있다)
Yeah, I might just get one.(하나 더 마실래)
You're absolutely gorgeous.
I'm kate. what am i drinking?
This is very expensive stuff.
Come on, it's nearly midnight.
Look, i've gotta find you a....
Everyone makes little mistakes. It's fine. Come on.
And so i woke up the next morning hung-over, ashamed of myself,
and not realising it was the day that would change my life forever.
Get up, stupid. Dad want you.
That's very formal,
This is an odd moment for me because i had the same moment with my father
when i'd just turned 21, and after it, my life was never the same, so i approach
it pretty, um, nervously.
When you're ready. It's all very mysterious.
The simple fact is the men in this family have always had the abililty to...
This is going to sound strange, be prepared for strangeness.
Get ready for spooky time. but there is this family secret.
And the secret is that the men in the family can travel in time.
Well, more accurately, travel back in time.
This is such a weird joke.
It's seriously not a joke.
So you're saying that you and granddad, and his brothers could all travel back in time?
And you still do? Absolutely.
Although it's not as dramatic as it sounds. it's only in my own life.
I can only go to places where i actually was and can remember.
I can't kill Hitler or shag Helen of Troy, unfortunately.
Okay, stop.
if it's true, which it isn't.
Althought it is.
Although it isn't, obviously. But if it was, which it's not.
Which it is.
Which it isn't, But if it was, hou would i... T
he? How? is the easy bit in fact.
you go into a dark place, big cupboards are very useful generally. Toilets, at a pinch.
Then you clench your fists like this.
Thin of the moment you're going to and you'll find yourself there.
After a bit of a stumble and a rumble and a tumble.(약간의 정신없는 순간만 지나면)
Is as good a reaction as any.(생각한 것보다 반응이 괜찮구나)
I think I plumped for ?'fuck!?' but it was the '70s.
No, this is so obviously joke. It's not a joke.
Why would i lie to someone i'm fairly fond of?(내가 마음에 드는사람한테 왜 거짓을 말하겠니)
But, when i come back downstairs after standing in a cupboard with my fists clenched,
(찬장 안에서 주먹만 쥐고 있다가 나오게 될 경우)
your're gonna be in so much trouble.
let's see, shall we?
And, Tim, try and do something interesting.
Strange. And what about the whole..Butterfly effect thing. What can i say?
We don't seem to have messed up civilisation yet.
(우리가 아직까진 사회에 큰 영향을 끼친 거 같진 않구나)
It's gonna be a complicated year.(아주 복잡한 한 해가 되겠어요)
What have you done with it?(이 능력을 어떻게 썼어요?)
For me, i't books, books, books.(난 책을 팠지)
I've read everything a man could wish to. Twice. Dickens three times.
Any first thoughts?(넌 어떻게 쓰고 싶니?)
Well, I suppose apart from getting a slipghtly better haircut..Yeah.
Money would be the obvious thing.(돈을 벌어야 겠어요)
Very mixed blessing.(저주이자 은총이다)
Utterly screwed up your grandfather's life.
Left him without love or friends.
I've never bumped into a genuinely happy rich person.
(난 진심으로 행복한 부자를 본 적이 없어)
It would be nice not to have to work.
No, that's a real recipe for diaster.
Look what happend to Uncle Fred.
What happened to Uncle Fred?
Absoultely sod all.
You have to use it for things that you really think.
you will make your life the way you want it to be.
Come on, really think about this.
to be honest, I suppose, at the moment,
It would be just great if it could help me get a girlfriend.
The mother ship(대박이죠)
For me, it was always gonna be about love.(내겐 항상 사랑이 가장 중요했다)
And that summer i walked into the eye of the storm.
Her name was Charlotte. Cousin of Kit Kat's handsome but nasty boyfiends Jimmy.
And she was staying for two whole months.
will you do my back?
very keen!(잽싸네 ㅋㅋ)
Just give us a sec.
it was a summer of suntan and torture.(선태과 고통의 여름이었다)
I invited my foolish friend Jay around for tennis. because i thought he'd make me look good.
Charlotte just made both of us look like idiots.
How the hell are you meant to concentrate on your game?
How are you meant to live your life with this sort of shit goind down? (어떻게 인생을 살란 말인가? - 이 상황에서)
It never got better until suddenly.(그렇게 시간을 흘러 나아지는 것도 없이)
it was almost too late.
final lunch, And it's been reaaly lovely having you all summer.
Have you enjoyed having charlotte here all summer, Tim?
I've introduced him to most things, haven't i? (내가 많은 걸 알게 해줬지, 그렇지?)
You did. you were much more sophisticated.(그래 훨씬 정교한 방식으로)
As it's your last night, can i ask you a question?
Yeah, Ask away.
It's no going to be about love, is it?
Well, it's just that Kit Kat warned me that if you were to ever mention it,
I should be very firm with you and tell you, you must treat me like your sister
and not be stupid.
Or have i just made a total fool of myself and you were actually goiung to ask me for
late night last minute tennis tips?
No, it was the love thing.
It's just a shame you left it till the last night.
You should have tried creeping along the corridor while we still had time.
Okay, the last night was a bad idea?
Very bad idea. it feels like an ever so slightly insulting afterthought.
I know you have probably suspected this, but over the last month
I've fallen completely in love with you.
Now obviously this was gonna happen becaouse you're a goddess with that face
and that hair, but even if you dind't have a nice face, and even if you had absolutely
no hair because of some bizarre medical reason, I'd still adore you.
I just wondered whether, by any chance, you might share my feelings.
I tell you what why don't we see how the summer goes and then you ask me again
on my last night?
Big lesson number one, all the time travel in the world can't make someone love you.
So the love of my life just drove away. And the very next day, it was my turn to leave.
Don't call too often, your mother doesn't like to be disturbed.
I caught the train to London in search of a future and a girlfrriend.
I way staying in ST john's Wood, near Abbey Road, with a playwright friend
of my dad's called Harry.
It's always nice to have family connections when you're a new kid in town.
(낯선 곳에 갈 떄는 연줄이 있는 게 도움된다)
I was actually having the first good idea I've had for a decade when you rang on the doorbell.
But now it's gone.
How was your Dad. Weird cock, I always thought.
Something weird about him.
Try not to make too much noise, particularly when having sex.
Have sex with her if you like. Apparently everyone else has.
It wasn't a hopeful set-up for romance.and work didn't help on that score either.
The world of law seems to be entirely full of men.
Well, I hope you're better than this clown.
I've been here a year and a half.
So six lonely months went by and it was still just me and Harry.
Me lawyer-ing every hour of the day and night.
And him putting the finishing touches to his new play.
No matter what how many girls there were in the world.
I always seemed to end up with Rory.
Until, out of the blue, on a dodgy night out with dodgy Jay, something miraculous happend.
Can i have your right hand on my right shoulder, please?
Mind the stairs and be prepared because it's completely dark.
If you don't mind, I can sit you here beside these two young ladies.
Although she's sturdy, so Bernard might have been a better fit.
No, I sort of look like a squirrel.
Do you like Kate Moss? I absolutely love her.
In fact, I almost wore ont of her dresses here tonight. You?, her clothes look terrible on me.
I think there is a lot of.. I've got quite a lot of 딸기무스.
Chris, you are a babe. How do you fancy stretching the night(밤을 연장하는게 어때요?)
We've got to rush, but help me find a cab and i might give you my number.
Would it be very wrong if i asked you for yout number?
Just in case I ever had to call you about..
Even my frock?(옷이 이래도?) the fringe is new.
We have to go! I found a cab and his dodgy friend is about to assault me.
What have ytou done, you poor thing?
It's just a flesh wound.
You may remember, my play opened tonight.
You could tell int the room a masterpiece was being unfurled.
Until, and this is the crucial plot point, I think, until the lead actor had the most
massive dry in his histroy of theatre.
(주인공이 극장 역사상 최고로 긴 적막을 선사했지)
He didn't just forget his lines. He forgot his lines to the extent that no actor has ever
forgotten their lines before in the annals of dramatic art.
The reviews won't say? 'Major masterpiece gets unveiled.?'
How's it going with the lines?
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